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Showing posts from June, 2015

Yes, I'm a mean mom

Do the words coming out of your children's mouths ever bother you? They used to bother me. I don't like being told I'm mean or that my child wants a new mommy. It's not fun to be screamed or growled at. I especially don't like when my children say they hate me. But, they are growing and learning boundaries. So, if I have to be the mean mom because I draw the line at throwing temper tantrums in the store because I said we couldn't buy that toy or candy bar because I believe my kids need to not only understand they can't have everything, but also the value of a dollar and patience in waiting for good things, then I'm ok with being the mean mom. I'm also ok with being hated because my child got put in time out or had toys taken away when they were putting themselves or others at risk of injury by not following safety rules or getting in a fight with someone else. If being a mean mom is what it takes so my child understands and recognizes bounda