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Hotel living: Marriott TownePlace Suites

Last year, my house had a water pipe break - causing damage to our floors.  Thankfully, the damage was not extensive and did not require immediate repair.  But, it did require us to move out of our house for an extended hotel stay.  We were blessed that this was covered by our homeowner's insurance.  And, we were doubly blessed that our insurance provider booked us in one of Marriott's TownePlace Suites.

Living outside of your home while having to maintain a regular schedule of school, work and extracurricular activities isn't easy.  Not only do you have to continue your regularly scheduled life, but you have to do it in a new, temporary location where you don't have everything you usually rely on.  Yes, you've attempted to prepare by packing enough clothes, toys, books, and other supplies, but it's still not home.

Kitchenette and living room
TownePlace Suites; however, helps you feel like you can still maintain your daily routine by providing a small kitchenette (including stove top, oven, microwave, full refrigerator and dishwasher) to prepare meals, up to 2-bedroom suites, and most of the amenities you have - or want to have - in your own home.  It also has the added benefit of free breakfasts and a swimming pool.  They even have a small general store in their lobby where you can get microwavable meals and snacks when you don't have time to run to the grocery store.  We were able to prepare meals of mac n cheese, spaghetti, chicken nuggets and more.  I do recommend turning on the vent when preparing meals on the stove top so that you do not set off the smoke detector.

The master bedroom has its own attached bathroom
For anyone needing an extended stay - whether due to relocation, home repair, or vacation - I highly recommend checking out Marriott and their TownePlace Suites.  The only downfall that we found was that they do not have Smart TVs, so if you rely on streaming TV/video services, you'll need to use your own computer and upgrade your complimentary Wi-fi each day to accomodate your streaming needs.

The 2-bedroom suites have two bathrooms allowing parents a bit of separation from children when rushing to get everyone out the door in the morning and allowing for multiple people to get ready at the same time.  There is a four-person table to enjoy your own home-cooked meals and a sofa sleeper for any additional sleeping needs in the living room - plenty of room for my family of four.  Pets are allowed with an additional fee, too.

Here's a list of items I'm glad I brought or wish I'd remembered to bring:
  • My own shampoo, conditioner and soap so that there were no surprises when it came to getting ready each morning.
  • School supplies (i.e., scissors, markers, crayons, etc) for homework.  Kids still need to complete their homework and often need items which aren't so easily accessible in a hotel.
  • Freezer meals and other grocery items.  While able to purchase in their market, you probably already have these at home.
  • Freezer/storage bags to store leftovers.  Some dishes are provided, but not a lot.
  • Wine, beer and other beverages.  Anything that you commonly drink.
  • Coffee and its complements. When booking your stay, be sure to check the kind of coffee maker included.  Our suite had a drip maker but no coffee grinder, requiring us to bring ground coffee.  I also enjoy mine with raw sugar and the hotel only had regular sugar.
  • A blanket or throw. I enjoy ending my day cuddled up on the couch with a good book or show on TV.  For me, a blanket or throw is necessary.
  • Nightlight for when children wake up in the middle of the night and need to use the restroom or just remember where they are staying.


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